• 675
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The association L'Eau à Lyon et la pompe de Cornouailles (EAL) was created in April 2003:

  • "to develop the concept of industrial, architectural and historical heritage that constitutes the Cornwall pump and the filtering basins located in the commune of Caluire et Cuire"
  • "to promote the safeguarding and development of the Cornish pump site and filtering basins, as well as the water supply and sanitation techniques used in Lyon and its region, from antiquity to the present day".

The association currently manages a library with 800 references / a photo library with 6000 photos / a collection of 1000 objects.


  • EAL proposes exhibitions on the theme of water in Lyon.
  • EAL also provides visits to the Saint-Clair site on reservation and during the European Heritage Days.
  • EAL produces publications

see our website: www.eaualyon.fr